Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keeping a Healthy Body at All Times

A sort of ordeal. I've been feeling pain on my back especially on the right lower portion. This started a few months ago after a drinking spree with my friends. When I woke up the next morning, I just felt pain on my right lower back. At first, I just ignored it because the pain was bearable and was on and off then. I've been observing it for months now, but just recently the pain become more intense by the day. Right now, it is of constant and excruciating character; thus, it prompted me to sick professional help. After getting an appointment from my doctor, I went to the hospital to have my check up. While on my way, I saw this new billboard that seems so mysterious with only the tagline "what is innovation" on it. Since the vehicle was fast moving, I didn't have time to figure out what that means. I just assumed it was a teaser of a new product that will be launched soon. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I went straight to my doctor's clinic. I waited for about an hour before I was able to talk to the physician due to the long list of patients ahead of me. After a careful physical examination and history taking, she advised me to have further laboratory tests to establish a definite diagnosis. She referred me to a laboratory clinic just near the hospital for my convenience. Again, it took me more than an hour to finish all the tests and as of this time, I'm still waiting for the results. I'm praying for a favorable outcome, because health is my only wealth. I can't afford to sacrifice it since it will affect my ability to work as well.

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