Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pain of Letting Go

I can still clearly remember this out of the blue question raised by a friend. Why is the sunset more colorful than the sunrise? I was not able to answer right then and there. I was tongue tied for a while and it made me think real hard.  I was not able to answer the question maybe because I was not prepared for it. I was very bothered that time because our family just lost a very important person in our life. That was the time when we lost our grandfather. I was so devastated and it crashed my heart every time I see my mom cry over and over. It was so unbearable knowing how painful it was for her to lose a father. It was one painful event that we want to erase from our consciousness but we can't. Anyway that was few years ago and looking back, if somebody would ask me the same question, I'm sure I would be able to give a sensible answer to it. I would say that the reason why sunset is more colorful than the sunrise because goodbyes is not always sad or hurtful. If you bade goodbye to someone or something, I'm sure another thing is in store for you.  It's something that you can look forward to. And as I was browsing through my document storage in my laptop last night, I chanced upon an article about goodbye and letting go. And as I read through it, I was able to relate it to the question my friend once asked me.

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