Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Healthy Body Goes with a Healthy Mind

Just a matter of self-discipline and determination. Finally, the rain has stopped! I can now resume my early morning activity. I regularly jog every morning at exactly 6:00 o'clock in the morning for about thirty minutes to one hour to keep my ideal body weight. I've been doing this for about six months now since I noticed that I started to stack up excess pounds already. Aside from maintaining my ideal weight, jogging also keeps me going throughout the day. If I miss jogging, I tire easily. I already missed two days because of continuous heavy downpour, so I have to double time. I prefer jogging outside over going to the gym because I feel so confined when inside the gym unlike outside where I can also breathe fresh air. Aside from that, I appreciate the surroundings especially the beauty of the sunrise. It gives me a euphoric feeling and I just love it. So after drinking a cup of tea this morning, I donned on my running shoes when the phone rang. I wondered who is calling me so early. It turned out that it was my classmate way back in college asking me for 25th wedding anniversary party ideas because they are preparing for his parents wedding anniversary. I told her that I will refer her to a neighbor of ours who is a wedding coordinator to help her on that. So after I hung up the phone, I went ahead to start my daily morning routine. I went back home after forty five minutes very sweaty but energized. Thanks to the great weather!

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