Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cousin's Send Off Party

I was just lying and relaxing on bed the whole day when I got an unexpected call from my cousin. She is inviting me and my family to go to their place the next day because they are throwing a big party. The party will start at around 6:00 o'clock in the evening and she wanted us to be there on time. I wondered what the occasion was since it's not her birthday yet so I asked my cousin what's the party for and she told me that their family is having a send off party for his brother who is leaving in a week's time to work in Australia. Her brother was actually offered by a multinational company to manage their branch in Melbourne. The package was great and there are better opportunities there so her brother accepted the offer without any hesitation. How I wish I would land a job like that. So the next day, we left our house an hour earlier than schedule so as not to be late and also to avoid the traffic. When we arrived at their place, there she was at the front door waiting for us. As I stepped out of the car, I instantly noticed that my cousin's hair was so shiny. She had very long, black shiny hair that bounces when she walks.  It also feels so soft when you touch it. I was so curious on what she did to her hair to make that soft and shiny. When I had a chance to talk to her, I asked her what she applied on her hair to achieve that shine. She informed me that her sister who is now based in Paris sent her two bottles of moroccan argan oil to try on her hair to see the results. She told me she will give me one bottle to try it myself when her sister would send her another package. It made me very excited. Anyway, the party went well and many people attended. I also saw many familiar faces.  We went home past midnight already and I still can't stop thinking about how my cousin's hair was transformed from very dry to shiny, bouncy hair.

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