Monday, August 1, 2011

How I Started My Book Collection

This is how I started my own book collection. Finally, I was able to finish reading the novel from one of my favorite authors, John Grisham after more than a week of reading it. It's very unusual for me to take that long to finish one book since normally; it will only take me two to three days. It's just that I was very busy these past few days because I have to accompany my aunt who is looking for a Boarding School for his son; thus, I was not able to devote more time reading. Due to personal reasons, she wants to transfer him to another school although classes had started already. Since she is not very familiar with the place; thus, I agreed to go with her. After three days of going around looking for the best school for my cousin, she finally decided on the last school we went to. She was so impressed with the school's track record that she enrolled my cousin right away. Anyways just a quick rewind, I started reading John Grisham's novels when I was still in high school when one of my classmates let me borrow one and since then I was hooked to his books. If I remember it right, the first ever title I read was "A Time to Kill" and it was so beautifully written. Since then, I made it a point to buy every book released and to date I think I have more than a dozen already in my collection. I really like his plot and I love the thrill and suspense he puts on every story he wrote. Looking forward to his upcoming releases.

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