Sunday, August 28, 2011

Achieving a Perfect White Teeth

A pre-scheduled appointment. I was in my dentist's clinic the other day for an oral prophylaxis and teeth whitening. When I arrived, there were plenty of patients already. While waiting for my turn, I busied myself reading the magazines displayed in the reception area. In one of the health magazines I read, I chance upon ads about mn portable toilet rentals. I really find it weird to place such ads on a health magazine. Anyway I was able to read three magazines before my name was finally called by the assistant. I chatted for a while with the dentist before she started cleaning my oral cavity. It took her around thirty minutes to finish everything and after that I felt like I have the most beautiful smile in the world already and it felt so fresh as well. It's really a good practice to have oral prophylaxis at least twice a year to keep your teeth healthy and strong. And also if there are problems like cavities, it will be corrected immediately. After my dentist's appointment, I went to the mall to meet a friend to watch a movie together. We agreed to choose a comedy film and did not regret our decision. The movie was so hilarious; thus, we were laughing our hearts out all throughout the duration of the movie. It's really a nice diversion from stress watching funny films. I consider it a welcome relief. After watching, my friend invited me for dinner, which I declined. I didn't feel like eating that time because I just had my teeth cleaned. It was so funny of me, but of course she understood. So we just separated ways and I went home very happy and contented.

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