Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fulfilling a Long Time Dream

My interest in learning to pluck the guitar started when I was still a child when my parents gave me a toy guitar as a birthday gift. I was so fascinated with it that I dreamed of becoming a great guitar player someday. That dream remained a dream for the longest time until recently when a friend of mine introduced me to her cousin who happens to be a music professor and who also tutors those who want to learn to play any musical instruments. Right away, I expressed my interest in learning and after that we agreed on our schedule. I asked my friend to accompany me to the store where I can buy my first real instrument. I was so excited because at last I will start to learn to play the guitar, which I've been wanting ever since. During our initial class, I had a hard time especially positioning my fingers on the strings. After one hour of trying to familiarize myself, I felt my fingers cramped but I'm not complaining because I know it's worth all my effort. Even on days when we don't have any practice, I tediously do it on my own because I really wanted to learn as fast as I can. It was during one of those days that I broke one of the strings; hence, I have no choice but to wait until I can buy a replacement. When I finally had the time to go to the shop to buy a new set of guitar strings, I passed by the hardware store displaying vinyl packaging that is on sale. At first I find it attractive because it comes in various colors; however, I did not bother to look at it closely because I was in a hurry to get back home and resume my practice. I just wish I could learn faster and be one of the greatest guitar players in the world.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

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