Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Client's Ultimate Dream

I'm kind of busy with my new booking. Few hours ago, I went online to search for outrageous or shall I say unique or extreme activities that I'm going to fulfill on my client's 25th birthday. I plan to suggest activities that he has never done before. During the previous birthdays I have coordinated, it includes parasailing, kayaking and other water activities. I also recommended travelling abroad because it's all fun. This time I'm planning to incorporate at least three extreme activities that one may not be able to do for the rest of his life. This will really make his natal day more memorable. With fingers cross, hope there will be no untoward incidents that will happen. While surfing the net for possible activities, I stumbled upon a website that suggests 65th surprise birthday party ideas. Out of curiosity, I opened it and checked for possible activities that might interest me. Unfortunately, suggestions there are very simple things that don't fit my client's preference at all. So I searched over and over again until I came across "must do activities in your lifetime." I was surprised after checking the site because they have a long list of activities that seems to be very out of the ordinary. First on my list was to try flying an airplane alone. Although scary, this will give you an intense adventure due to adrenaline rush, which can be very exciting. Next on the list is to ride a hot air balloon. I'm sure that would be very thrilling also. And third on my list is to do bungee jumping. I have to choose the one with the highest points for a more electrifying experience. The list can go on and on, but I think I would not be able to let my client do all of them; hence, I will just settle for these top three. Hope he will pick at least one; wish me luck.

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