Sunday, September 4, 2011

Keeping a Healthy Body

Health is wealth. Jogging has become a daily routine for me since I was a teenager. I jog for many reasons. I jog because it helps me maintain my ideal body weight. Not only that, it also helps me energized to keep me going throughout the day. It also serves as a form of relaxation after a very hectic and stressful day. I normally jog every morning to jumpstart my day. I usually go to the nearby sports complex every morning to jog along with others. Having a companion keeps me motivated since you get to see many people of all ages and sizes. However I did not go there this morning because I woke up very late already. So to save time, I decided to jog just around our village instead of travelling to the complex. Few blocks from my house, somebody tapped my shoulders; a former classmate in high school. At first I didn't recognize her because she is totally a different lady. Before, she used to be very fat or shall I say obese. You can just imagine, now she is the exact opposite. She just arrived from the states for a vacation since she's been working there for two years as an accountant. With all curiosity, I asked her about her secret and all she said was San Diego Weight Loss. After a short talked we separate ways. I continued with my exercise and after about four rounds of jogging around the village, I decided to go straight to the nearby bread house to buy something to eat for my breakfast. I settled for a couple of garlic toasts to match with my favorite brewed coffee. This is already enough to keep me going. So full; I'm ready to face tough work ahead.

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