Monday, September 12, 2011

My Most Treasured Gifts

For many people, friendship is one of life's precious gifts that is worth treasuring. I only have a handful of friends which I really consider true friends. The reason why I only have few true friends is that I'm not the type who just collects without screening. I do believe friendship is not measured by the number of friends you have. I am very meticulous when it comes to choosing my buddies. I have to observe first and prove that he or she is worthy of my friendship. I categorize friends depending on the impact that person has in my life. But once I consider you as my friend, I will be your friend for the rest of my life and I will do everything to make you feel that you are not only my friend but my family as well. I will make an extra effort to keep the friendship alive. For me, one way to keep the friendship strong is constant communication. To keep in touch with my friends, I often text or call them just to check on them. One time, I phoned my friend who is now based in Nevada working as a physical therapist just to greet her on her birthday. She was so excited upon hearing my voice. She also shared her excitement because she received an invitation from the California Physical Therapy Board to attend in their annual convention. We talked for more than an hour making up for the lost time. Although distance keeps us away, that doesn't change the friendship at all. Communication is still there no matter what happens. That's why I won't trade my friends for anything else in this world because I consider them my best gifts.

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