Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jumpstart Your Day with a Healthy Routine

Start your day healthy. The first time I realized how beautiful our village is was when I took four rounds of jogging one weekend. Together with my hubby, we jog at around five in the morning when the air is still cool and fresh. Just few blocks from our residence, I saw a few people very busy even at an early hour. It turned out that they are putting up sunroom additions in one of the new houses there. They started working early because they are in a hurry to finish the construction in time for the huge celebration happening in two days. The homeowners have plenty of guests; hence, they want to utilize the space to accommodate their visitors. Since the area is facing directly towards the sun, they decided to put some sort of protection to lessen glaring. It was almost seven when we decided to stop since the sun was already hot. And besides, I still have to prepare breakfast for my family; thus, I need to be home in no time.

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