Friday, September 30, 2011

Going Through and Getting Out of Depression

It's very alarming to know that there are increasing cases of depression nowadays. What alarms me most is that a friend of mine called me up recently telling me she is very depressed. She feels like life is not worth living anymore especially now that she's been through a lot these past few weeks. Death in the family, losing her job and marital problems are just few of the reasons why she feels depressed. She called me up because she needs somebody to talk to; somebody who will listen and not judge her. So I vowed to help her in any way I can. In order for me to be able to know more how depression develops and how it can be avoided and treated, I have to read as much articles as I can so that I will be able to give the best possible help I can. As I was browsing the net for articles about depression and I chanced upon a recently published article about new discoveries regarding Lyme disease. I did not pay much attention to it though because I'm not very familiar with the disease. Aside from that, it was not my primary intention for browsing. Through reading articles, I now understand how the condition works and how complications develop because of it. It's so alarming that serious complications like diseases can develop if a person is depressed. I also learned the obvious and atypical signs and symptoms of depression and how to be able to recognize them. Knowing all these things, I am more confident now that I can be of better help to my friend. I'm already planning to set up a meeting with her so that we can talk about what she's going through and how we can find ways to divert her attention and not dwell much on her problems. I'm looking forward to seeing her get out of her present condition and survive all the trials she's going through right now.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dinner for a Cause

I'm so excited for the coming weekend because I received a call from one of my closest friends who is very active in charitable works. She invited me to their "dinner for a cause" on Saturday, which will be held in one of the fanciest restaurants in the city. The proceeds of the said dinner will go to their funds that will be used for various medical missions. Aside from the fact that I will be able to help by participating, I also look forward to meeting other people and gain new friends. I also plan to volunteer in their next medical mission; hence, this would be a good start for me.  As human beings, I feel we have a moral obligation to help each other in any way we can. This would be a good outlet for me to extend a helping hand to the needy ones. Just thinking about it makes me all the more excited. In the meantime, I'm very busy preparing and deciding which dress to wear for the occasion.  After giving much thought on what to wear, I finally decided to settle on an elegant black little dress I have that goes perfectly well with the formal dinner. After that I turned on the television to let time pass by. And guess what, as I tuned in to my favorite channel I saw an advertisement of pressure washers arizona that features two grumpy old men demonstrating the product.  It was so hilarious that I can't help but laugh out loud. After a while I turned off the television to take a short nap. However, I can't do so because the thought automatically pops out of my mind every time I close my eyes. I'm looking forward to it already. Until the next update.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Learning to Appreciate Life

Appreciating life's worth. More than a week ago, I attended the death anniversary of our grandfather in one of the cemeteries in Cebu. Relatives and close friends gathered together for a mass. It was followed by a simple dinner at one of the nearby restaurants. On our way there, we saw a salesman demonstrating to a group of people how to use portable pressure washer. For whatever purpose it may serve the memorial park that I do not know. At first, I thought there was a commotion; thus, I was quite apprehensive when I saw the large crowd. I really can't help it every time I encounter occurrences that involve rumbling and fighting. It just makes me nervous maybe because of the experiences I had when I was still a child. Anyways, a very important lesson I learned is that life is too short, so we should learn to appreciate and make the most out of it. Do not wait for the person to pass away before you express how much you love them. Although death is also a celebration of life since it brings the family closer; still, there is nothing happier than to have an intact family full of love and affection. So start it now and waste no time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Losing a Loved One

Losing someone close to you is one the most painful experience a person can bear. I recently experience that kind of pain because I lost a very dear friend due to a tragic accident. It's been a couple of days now since her passing, but I'm still grieving for her loss. I'm still in the process of accepting the fact that she is no longer around. We can no longer talk, hang out, eat together or watch movies together. The last time we talked was two weeks ago and she promised to treat me for lunch because I was not able to attend to her husband's birthday party. We agreed to meet one day and have lunch and probably watch a movie together as this has been our favorite past time. People going through the same thing I'm going through right now have different ways of showing their pain and grief. I know grieving persons go through different phases of grief and so am I. I'm doing my best to face and accept the truth that she is no longer here for me. It's just that every time I'm alone, the emptiness automatically sets in. But I know I will eventually get over this. In order not to feel depressed, I keep myself busy by surrounding myself with people who are willing to listen and support me. I'm just so lucky that I have friends like them.  Amidst all the pain, I received a call from a friend who is now based abroad inviting me to pay her a visit to forget the trauma. I learned that she is now working as a receptionist in Car Rental Australia. I wish I could fly there soon, but I know I still have to secure some documents. I'm looking forward to it already. Hope it will help me forget.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Enjoying the Freedom of Being on My Own

Independence is indeed a big thing. Finding a new place to settle down, whether buying a new house or renting a new apartment can mean many things. It can mean a new beginning for some or it can also mean independence for others. Just like looking for a Boarding School, looking for a new place to stay is sometimes stressful. Before you decide the place to live in, you have to consider many factors. Among the very important things you need to consider in choosing a place to live in could include the following: proximity of the location to your workplace, or to your children's school, or to the supermarket, availability of transportation and many other things. More importantly, you should also consider the safety of the neighborhood and the location. I once experienced this when I first moved out from my parents' house to be on my own. That was when I got my first job. I was so excited at first because I thought it would be the best time to prove to myself and to my family that I can already stand on my feet and look after my needs. And I thought I would be enjoying my independence for the first time. But the move was not that easy at all. I had a hard time finding the right place for me. It took me a week before I decided to get that apartment that was close to my workplace then. I was so lucky I have friends who helped me during the actual move. The first few days were the busiest because I had to arrange my things, decide on which furniture to buy, linens to use and all those stuffs. After accomplishing all those things, it was only then that I started enjoying my sense of independence. But it was not easy at all; thus, I thanked God I survived.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Most Treasured Gifts

For many people, friendship is one of life's precious gifts that is worth treasuring. I only have a handful of friends which I really consider true friends. The reason why I only have few true friends is that I'm not the type who just collects without screening. I do believe friendship is not measured by the number of friends you have. I am very meticulous when it comes to choosing my buddies. I have to observe first and prove that he or she is worthy of my friendship. I categorize friends depending on the impact that person has in my life. But once I consider you as my friend, I will be your friend for the rest of my life and I will do everything to make you feel that you are not only my friend but my family as well. I will make an extra effort to keep the friendship alive. For me, one way to keep the friendship strong is constant communication. To keep in touch with my friends, I often text or call them just to check on them. One time, I phoned my friend who is now based in Nevada working as a physical therapist just to greet her on her birthday. She was so excited upon hearing my voice. She also shared her excitement because she received an invitation from the California Physical Therapy Board to attend in their annual convention. We talked for more than an hour making up for the lost time. Although distance keeps us away, that doesn't change the friendship at all. Communication is still there no matter what happens. That's why I won't trade my friends for anything else in this world because I consider them my best gifts.

Travel and Fun

I accompanied my cousin yesterday afternoon to the airport to fetch her best friend who flew in from Australia for a short visit before proceeding to Paris for her next work assignment. She is planning to stay only for a week so we have to maximize her short stay. My cousin invited me to go with them, so that I can help her organize their activities. Being the organizer that I am, I agreed to plan and make an itinerary for her vacation. It's a fun-packed week and I know she will truly enjoy all the activities that are in store for her. As we waited in the airport for her arrival, I busied myself reading my favorite book. I'm so hooked with it that I bring the book anywhere I go so that I can read it if I have a chance. As I sat there reading, my cousin was just listening to her favorite songs on her ipod. It's her way of fighting boredom. After about an hour of waiting, we saw a group of tourists emerged from the arrival area and two people approached them offering car rental deals. I did not mind them that much because a few moments later, I saw my cousin's best friend waving at us. At last, our long wait is over. We made our way to her and helped carry one of her luggage and then went straight to the hotel where she will stay. After dropping her things at her room, we went to a nearby mall to have something to eat. We capped the night by drinking coffee in my favorite coffee shop before heading back to the hotel to rest. I'm so looking forward to our first adventure in a while.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Restoration Mission

Time to do repairs. My uncle owns a resort in one of the towns in the Philippines. This has been operating for quite some time now. Since it is exposed to various elements such as heat, sun, and breeze; wear and tear is expected with the passage of time. The area that is mostly affected is the kitchen and dining area because these are the ones that are not enclosed. In other words, they are out in the open unlike the rooms, which have clear divisions. Because our main objective here is to attract clients including foreigners, it is a must to keep it in good shape at all times. Since I am the in-charged with the marketing, I need to come up with an effective idea so as not to cripple the sales. Although maintenance is quite costly, there is nothing we can do but to upgrade our amenities to make it competitive. Hence before we commenced with the renovation proper, I make it a point to canvass first to get the best value for the money. I browsed for various kitchen remodeling contractors through the net for comparison. Apart from it, I also searched for modern materials that may complement the present ambiance of the resort. The entire make-over process is not a joke. Therefore, it must be done with proper planning to avoid deficit on budget.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jumpstart Your Day with a Healthy Routine

Start your day healthy. The first time I realized how beautiful our village is was when I took four rounds of jogging one weekend. Together with my hubby, we jog at around five in the morning when the air is still cool and fresh. Just few blocks from our residence, I saw a few people very busy even at an early hour. It turned out that they are putting up sunroom additions in one of the new houses there. They started working early because they are in a hurry to finish the construction in time for the huge celebration happening in two days. The homeowners have plenty of guests; hence, they want to utilize the space to accommodate their visitors. Since the area is facing directly towards the sun, they decided to put some sort of protection to lessen glaring. It was almost seven when we decided to stop since the sun was already hot. And besides, I still have to prepare breakfast for my family; thus, I need to be home in no time.

Sisterly Duties

What an exciting day ahead! I was invited by my sister to attend their company family day yesterday. It was held in one of the schools near their office. She wanted me to attend so that I can cheer for her because she played volleyball. I was so excited because that was my first time to attend their family day and I heard that there are plenty of activities in store not only for the employees but also for their families who will be attending the activity. After we registered, we looked for the tent assigned for their department and settled on our seats while waiting for the program to start. While waiting for my sister's event, I chatted with one of her officemates who later introduced me to her cousin who is working in an insurance company. She discussed her nature of work. She mentioned so many things including Annuity Leads and other things which are not familiar to me. Later on, we went to gym where the volleyball game was held. It was a very tight game between my sister's team and their opponent. The game was so exciting and all who watched were on their toes cheering for both teams. Fortunately, my sister's team won and they emerged as the overall champion in the volleyball games. To make it more memorable, she was given the MVP award. After the game, we went to the next venue for the badminton competition. It was a tough; yet enjoyable event not to mention the overflowing supply of food for everybody. Looking forward to the next family day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Unexpected Happening

Savor every single moment because you'll never know what tomorrow may bring. My mother-in-law died just recently. We never expected this since we just celebrated her birthday exactly 1 week before she passed away. In fact we were all excited about her special day; thus, we searched the net for 65th Birthday Gift Ideas for mom. Her wake is in the province, which is approximately 3 hours travel from the city. Since we were all busy settling obligations and attending to the needs of the visitors, we tend to neglect our own needs. In fact, I forgot to brush my teeth one time before sleeping due to exhaustion. Most of the time, I take bath only when I have a vacant time; that is during lunch break. Now that she's been laid to rest, we all went home to the city to live a normal life again. It is only now that I noticed the effects of ignoring personal skin care routine. I have insect bites all over my body, pimples on my face, and most of all extremely dry hair. Since we are financially drained at present, I just opt for a home care treatment instead of indulging into lavish pampering. Anyways, with prayers and optimism I know we can recover as time goes by. Hence when that time comes, I promise to spoil myself with the best spa treatment in town. I just feel like I deserve it.

Keeping a Healthy Body

Health is wealth. Jogging has become a daily routine for me since I was a teenager. I jog for many reasons. I jog because it helps me maintain my ideal body weight. Not only that, it also helps me energized to keep me going throughout the day. It also serves as a form of relaxation after a very hectic and stressful day. I normally jog every morning to jumpstart my day. I usually go to the nearby sports complex every morning to jog along with others. Having a companion keeps me motivated since you get to see many people of all ages and sizes. However I did not go there this morning because I woke up very late already. So to save time, I decided to jog just around our village instead of travelling to the complex. Few blocks from my house, somebody tapped my shoulders; a former classmate in high school. At first I didn't recognize her because she is totally a different lady. Before, she used to be very fat or shall I say obese. You can just imagine, now she is the exact opposite. She just arrived from the states for a vacation since she's been working there for two years as an accountant. With all curiosity, I asked her about her secret and all she said was San Diego Weight Loss. After a short talked we separate ways. I continued with my exercise and after about four rounds of jogging around the village, I decided to go straight to the nearby bread house to buy something to eat for my breakfast. I settled for a couple of garlic toasts to match with my favorite brewed coffee. This is already enough to keep me going. So full; I'm ready to face tough work ahead.

Living on My Own

There is nothing sweeter than enjoying independence. Finding a new place to settle is the first step to becoming independent. Whether buying a new house or just renting an apartment for me; is a good start. I've been dreaming that one day I could be on my own to prove to myself and to my family that I can survive. It's not that I don't want to be with them anymore, it's just that I want to be self-sufficient and be responsible for myself. It's been my long dream to have a house of my own, drive my own car, buy all the gadgets I want and perhaps own a few properties. I also want to be able to do all the things that I want to do like travelling to different places since I really like to explore new places. In fact, I've been to other countries already; although, not that many. It's really a fulfilling experience. I experienced walking a long distance just to get to my destination because there's no other way to get there. I also tried riding a buffalo-drawn carriage. I also met people of different cultures and traditions and immersed myself in different cultures. What interests me most every time I travel are the new things I learn from those places like the people's customs and practices and their way of living. There was this one time while waiting for my flight back home inside the waiting lounge, I started browsing a travel magazine and I chanced upon Tangier property advertised on it. It seems so interesting because I've been looking for a nice place to build my dream house and I just wish I could contact them someday for assistance. If given a chance, I also want to live in a foreign land because this is an adventure for me. I know this is way far from reality, but there is no harm in day-dreaming.