Saturday, July 30, 2011

Big Transformation

While doing the laundry, my friend called and asked me to pay her a visit. It's been a couple of months since I last saw her because she went to Singapore to visit her sister who is now based there. Just the thought of finally seeing her again made me very excited already. Knowing also that she have something for me that she brought from Singapore made me even more excited. So after I prepared the food that I'm supposed to bring, I wasted no time and went straight to her home. Since she lived far from my place, it took me almost an hour to get there. I felt a bit tired when I get there because of the traffic plus the scorching heat of the sun, but that did not lessen my excitement of seeing her. And to my surprise, I saw my friend looking very different that I almost did not recognize her. She looked very sexy now and is so stunning. She lost so much weight already; thus, I was not able to stop myself from asking her what her secret is to achieve such body. She told me that her sister recommended the San Diego Weight Loss program that she too has been following for almost a year now. For that, I will also suggest it to my sister who's having the same weight issues she used to have. Anyway, we enjoyed talking that we lost track of time. I ended up going home very late already, but that's okay because I got to see my best friend and I have a new watch from her as a gift.

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