Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life's Perspective

It's a matter of how you look at life. If you know how to accept things the way they are and allow God to lead you to the right path; then you won't have to think of ways to solve your problems. He will do it for you as long as you believe in Him. This is what I've learned after having stayed in Singapore for more than 2 months. Before, I used to ask God to allow me to go to a foreign land for a greener pasture. Every time I pray, I always include this in my prayer. But what I noticed is that the more you keep on asking for something, the more it won't happen. He wants us to be concerned of today and not of tomorrow. Everything has been planned even before we were born; thus, allow God to do things according to His timetable. Same as getting anxious about birthday preparations. You do not have to be worried as to how to accommodate your guests or what unique 50th birthday gifts to give. Do not think of things that are beyond your capacity. Let God do the thing, anyways he is the overall master.

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