Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekend Movie Marathon

What an exciting day! Last Saturday morning, one of our neighbors invited us to go to her place to enjoy a long day movie marathon. She mentioned that she just purchased a new set of gadgets and wanted to show it to us. Since most of us are at home that day, we all agreed to go to her house. I was very excited because it's been a while already since I last watched a movie. We first dropped by at the nearest convenience store to buy some chips that we can binge on while watching. After which, we went straight to their entertainment room and wasted no time because we planned on watching three recent films. Since it took us more than 4 hours to finish the second DVD, we paused for a short break to have lunch. And guess what, she also prepared a sumptuous meal for all of us. When the hearty lunch was over, we went back to play the last movie before calling it a day. The third one was not like the first two movies because it was very light. It featured a very scenic and beautiful place that we can't help but wondered where the place was. Because of curiosity, I immediately searched the internet to know more about the place and learned that it was shot in Morocco. I continued browsing and came across a website that featured cheap Apartment Tangier, a beautiful place in North Africa. Since most of us love to travel for leisure, we discussed the possibility of our future trip there. It may not be that soon though since we still have to do a little cost cutting to raise money for the said trip. Just the thought of it made all of us very excited.

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