Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bonding Time With My Friends

My usual routine. Every afternoon, I and two of my friends often go to this certain fast-food chain near the school to have snacks while waiting for my daughter. We have been doing this for the past weeks now because they have this promotional offer every time you buy a certain meal. You can avail of a specially designed glass at an additional cost of course, but very minimal.  The three of us intended to collect all the colors; thus, we diligently go there almost every day. But last Friday was a different story because instead of going back to that same venue, we agreed to go somewhere else and try something different. So we decided to go to the mall to look for a place to eat. We ended up eating in a restaurant where there's only a handful of people inside so we can have our privacy. While waiting for our food to be served, I noticed two middle-aged ladies settled in the table next to us. We overheard one of them asking her companion about where she can get professional Teen Help for her daughter since she tends to become rebellious at an early age. It is sad to think that being a parent is a very challenging responsibility. Good thing I only have one kid to raise and giving her full time and attention is not a problem at all. As we left the restaurant, we had a heavy heart as we felt the lady's situation.

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