Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time to Give Back

It's time to do our share. Two weeks ago, I got a surprise call from a former college friend who I haven't heard for quite some time now. Since I was away for a short vacation, he just left a message to call him when I have time. So when I got back home, I immediately returned the call. Guess what, he invited me to participate in a community service that they are going to do the next weekend. He told me that he still remembered the time when I was very active in community extension programs way back in college. Thus, he took the chance of giving me a call hoping I would say yes to his invitation. He explained that they need every helping hand they can get to make the activity a success. After checking on my schedule, I accepted the invitation without any hesitation since this is my little way of giving back to the community; to share my time in any way I can. We agreed that he would pick me up at my place on that said day. On our way to the venue after picking me up, he explained that we are going to do tree planting. He also told me not to worry because he already prepared all the necessary tools needed for the activity. Actually, this is spearheaded by a friend of his who happen to be one of the California dog bite lawyers in the states. Although they are both busy in their chosen fields of endeavor, they managed to spend time on charity works to increase people's awareness on the environment. It was a very long tiring day for us but it was all worth the dirt and sweat. I went home very exhausted, but very satisfied as well. Thanks to my old friend who gave me that one of a kind experience.

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