Friday, May 13, 2011

Pleasure of Watching Television

While taking a sip of red wine, I watched my favorite entertainment show about celebrities of today and yesterday. Revival movies are being launched just like Charlie's Angels with its new casts. Journalists can't help but compare fresh personalities with the iconic figures because let's face it they really left some kind of marks to the memories of the viewers. But let's give chance to the new artists by letting them prove their talents. What caught my attention most was to see the face behind the original wonder woman character - Lynda Carter. Though it is pretty much obvious that she has matured a bit, but you can still see the beauty and grace in her. Technology has played an important role in keeping the youthfulness of a person. Good thing there is Cosmetic Surgery in San Diego to help maintain ones vanity. I just wish that when my time to get old comes, I too can avail of some kind of "Thank You Doctor" procedures, so that I wouldn't have to bid to my freshness that soon.

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