Friday, May 20, 2011

Adventures in Singapore Zoo

We've been to Singapore zoo and everything inside is spectacular. The nature speaks for itself with all the green bushes and foliage covering the entire place. For sure you'll be at awe by simply looking at it; not to mention the countless species of animals widely dispersed in every corner. Because the place is so huge, one whole day of walking can make your feet tired and numb. Thus by the time we reached home, we didn't have time to chit chat at the couch anymore. What I did was checked my mail first before sleeping. But to my surprise, I have more than 50 unread messages in just a span of one day. These don't include bulk messages in the spam folders. The worst part of it is that most are just marketing announcements like product launching, discount vouchers, and Internet Insurance Leads. So after I get rid of unwanted emails, I went straight to bed to relax and eventually sleep. I just love the experience and I can't wait for the next day's adventure.

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