Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hitting Two Birds with One Stone

This is like hitting two birds with one stone. While we are in Singapore, I managed to do some sort of job hunting to maximize our stay. Who knows, I might be lucky enough to land a good opportunity while on vacation. Of course, to make it possible I have to leave a contact number where they can keep in touch with me in case I get shortlisted. Since we've been here for almost two months already, it is not unusual to receive numerous calls in a day for job interview. Some of which are directly from employers, while others are from employment agencies who ask for certain amount just to get an appointment from contracting companies. But to my surprise, I was confused when somebody called up one day and referred me as one of their Health Insurance Leads. I forgot that this number used to be that of my sister-in-law's; thus, it is not a remote possibility to receive phone calls that are not mine. Now, all I wish is to get a job before our stay expires. If not, we will be left with no choice but to go back to the Philippines and face the reality.

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