Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Merrymaking during the Yuletide Season

I'm so excited. Christmas is one of the many occasions that I always look forward to every year. It is the time of the year when I feel so blessed. It gets me very excited every time Christmas is nearing. As early as September, I already start planning for the gifts that I will buy for my family and friends because I don't want to go through the hassle of the holiday rush. For me, there are many reasons why I always look forward for Christmas and I can enumerate a handful of things. First on my list would be the parties that I will be attending. I'm pretty sure that one of the highlights in every Christmas party is the exchange of gifts. Every time I look for the best gifts I always go to this specialty store in one of the malls near our place that sells a variety of gifts for every occasion. Name it, you get it. You can check unique gift ideas for weddings, christening, Christmas, valentines and birthdays including 50th birthday gift ideas. Second reason is the long vacation I have that I can spend with my family and friends. Usually, we have our high school class reunions every December in time for the holiday season. This is a well-planned activity so that everybody can attend. Also included in my list are the very sinful foods. I have this feeling that I have the license to eat anything I want without the guilt of adding up few pounds on my weight. I always rationalize that I can go on a stricter diet by the start of the year. I also make it a point to hear mass on Christmas Eve. It has been our tradition, then after which we have a get together at home. The list can go on, but these are just a few of the things that I look forward to every yuletide season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Souvenir Shops

This is beyond my expectation. With patience and determination, at last I have established quite a number of loyal clients for my online accessory business. Within 3 months time, there is a return of investment already. Thus, my next move would be to put up a local shop where clients can actually see and buy the products. I decided to start in the province where competition is not that tough. One potential location I consider suitable is along the barangay road. Unfortunately, one prospect is also eyeing for the space since it is strategically located. His is a souvenir shop intended not only for tourists, but for local residents as well. Items include 25th anniversary gifts, wedding tokens, and the likes. Poor me, I have to look for another site where I can display my stuffs. I'm so excited that I can't wait to do some sort of interior decorating and beautification. Everything must be ready prior to the grand opening. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hand-made Business

My new baby; fashion accessories. While as I was busy doing my hand-crafted headbands; my cousin-in-law called me up and asked for assistance. He has accepted job-out orders from factories catering big companies. Since they are quite anxious as to meeting the deadline due to bulk orders, they decided to hire additional manpower to finish the stuffs. The task involved is quite simple, which is just incorporating wallet inserts into leather wallets. Thus, I immediately called our tailor neighbor for quotation. Luckily, he agreed and even gave us the cheapest rate available. Now that I have done my part, I need to finish my own business and come up with new ideas for my accessories. Although we make different products; yet, it boils down into one common denominator - survival. Life is just a matter of how you find ways and means in order to meet your needs. As long as it does not make you less of a person; then, there is nothing to worry about.

My Favorite Time of the Year

Everybody loves this time of the year. I can smell the crispness of the yuletide breeze. People tend to become jolly every time this season comes. Maybe it's because of the Christmas songs that filled the air everywhere you go. What I like most about it is the food preparation aside from the giving of gifts of course. I just love to bake; although, I don't have much time doing it lately. Thus as early as now, I already have a long list of goodies to make. One of my favorites is the carrot cake since it is nutritious and my daughter requests for it. She also does the shredding portion because for her it's just like playing. For us, it seems that there is some sort of magic during this time because the feeling is contagious. In fact, a lot of us have started buying presents for our loved ones to take advantage of various mall sales. Everybody is in the mood for it; thus, excitement overflows.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Nothing to Lose

I spend most of the time at home with the family watching television because its vacation time. After which, I see to it that my daughter takes a nap every afternoon in order to maximize growth spurt. At her age, I think she is smaller than the average children; thus, I worry a lot for her sake. Although my husband is tall, I won't take chances by not doing anything to support her at this crucial stage. Thus, I resort to various options that claims therapeutic effect whether medical or herbal remedies. I remember there is this show in one of the TV stations featuring newly discovered products. One is for growth enhancement applicable even for adults at their 30's. Not only that, other merchandise like skin care products particularly moroccan oil, skin ink, stretch mark remover are also present. Though I'm not sure about its effectiveness, still there is nothing to lose. At least, I've tried for the sake of my baby.

Family Should Be on Top of the List

Put your family on top of the list. Since semestral break is here at last, this time I make it a point to spend it purely with the family. With all the stress that has come our way, we deserve to loosen up. Our target destination is the hometown of my hubby. Since this is situated several kilometers away from the city, we can be assured of a tranquil ambiance. While chilling out at the seashore one starry night, we decided to take a quick plunge at the cool waters. It was so refreshing; thus, we stayed there for quite a while. Since it was getting late already, I asked everybody to get out and rinse. Because I savored every moment, I didn't notice that my skin and hair has become dry. Good thing I brought with me St. Ive's body lotion and organic moroccan oil for hair. At least, I won't have to deal that much with dryness. Although it was just a short vacation, we had a great fun. Everybody went home with a smile on their faces. It just shows that what matters most is how you spend quality time and not how often you bond with each other.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hectic Schedule

No time to unwind. I was very busy lately with various stuffs like real estate review classes, wedding planning, and tutorials for my daughter; thus, I wasn't able to check my mails for a couple of days. To my surprise, I got almost 100 unread messages in just 3 days. When I go through it, I noticed that most are generated emails from several physical therapy websites offering jobs in different states. I don't know where they got my address, but in fairness to them they are every good at locating professionals through online directories. Anyways since I still have other things to do like making more customized headbands for my "soon to open accessory shop", I immediately signed out without delay as soon as I finished emptying the bulk and spam folders. I hope and pray that this business will prosper since every single penny earned here will be set aside for my daughter's savings account. Wish me luck!