Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hand-made Business

My new baby; fashion accessories. While as I was busy doing my hand-crafted headbands; my cousin-in-law called me up and asked for assistance. He has accepted job-out orders from factories catering big companies. Since they are quite anxious as to meeting the deadline due to bulk orders, they decided to hire additional manpower to finish the stuffs. The task involved is quite simple, which is just incorporating wallet inserts into leather wallets. Thus, I immediately called our tailor neighbor for quotation. Luckily, he agreed and even gave us the cheapest rate available. Now that I have done my part, I need to finish my own business and come up with new ideas for my accessories. Although we make different products; yet, it boils down into one common denominator - survival. Life is just a matter of how you find ways and means in order to meet your needs. As long as it does not make you less of a person; then, there is nothing to worry about.

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