Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Merrymaking during the Yuletide Season

I'm so excited. Christmas is one of the many occasions that I always look forward to every year. It is the time of the year when I feel so blessed. It gets me very excited every time Christmas is nearing. As early as September, I already start planning for the gifts that I will buy for my family and friends because I don't want to go through the hassle of the holiday rush. For me, there are many reasons why I always look forward for Christmas and I can enumerate a handful of things. First on my list would be the parties that I will be attending. I'm pretty sure that one of the highlights in every Christmas party is the exchange of gifts. Every time I look for the best gifts I always go to this specialty store in one of the malls near our place that sells a variety of gifts for every occasion. Name it, you get it. You can check unique gift ideas for weddings, christening, Christmas, valentines and birthdays including 50th birthday gift ideas. Second reason is the long vacation I have that I can spend with my family and friends. Usually, we have our high school class reunions every December in time for the holiday season. This is a well-planned activity so that everybody can attend. Also included in my list are the very sinful foods. I have this feeling that I have the license to eat anything I want without the guilt of adding up few pounds on my weight. I always rationalize that I can go on a stricter diet by the start of the year. I also make it a point to hear mass on Christmas Eve. It has been our tradition, then after which we have a get together at home. The list can go on, but these are just a few of the things that I look forward to every yuletide season.

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