Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Favorite Time of the Year

Everybody loves this time of the year. I can smell the crispness of the yuletide breeze. People tend to become jolly every time this season comes. Maybe it's because of the Christmas songs that filled the air everywhere you go. What I like most about it is the food preparation aside from the giving of gifts of course. I just love to bake; although, I don't have much time doing it lately. Thus as early as now, I already have a long list of goodies to make. One of my favorites is the carrot cake since it is nutritious and my daughter requests for it. She also does the shredding portion because for her it's just like playing. For us, it seems that there is some sort of magic during this time because the feeling is contagious. In fact, a lot of us have started buying presents for our loved ones to take advantage of various mall sales. Everybody is in the mood for it; thus, excitement overflows.

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