Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Skin Art

Down and bedridden. Being in the bed for three days now is such a boring thing. Fever, headache, muscle pain, and diarrhea; all these made me incapacitated. I can hardly move because my skin is painful to touch. Thus to alleviate my condition a bit, I managed to update my social networking account. By looking at the pictures of someone you know is like connecting with them at a distance. What caught my attention was a group of teenagers who happen to be the cousins of my friend. Their entire bodies are full of tattoos. I can directly say that they are Troubled Teens because of the way carry their selves. Although these are referred to as skin art; yet too much of it is unsightly. The new generations like to explore on what they call as latest trends. This is their way of expressing their feelings. Good thing such is uncommon in our clan or else I will surely freak out.

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