Monday, October 10, 2011

Reading and Learning

I miss strolling at the mall. Going to the mall is one of my favorite past times, but due to hectic schedule I haven't been there for quite some time now. Good thing my friend asked me to accompany her to the mall for a job interview. There's an ongoing job fair that time; thus, she wanted me to go with her so that we can also watch a movie after. I agreed to meet her at the bookshop to check for new releases while waiting. I would always make sure I can grab one each month to add to my collection. As far as I can remember, reading has always been one of my favorite hobbies since grade school. Back then, there was a mini library in one corner of our classroom wherein there are plenty of storybooks to read on. Our teacher encouraged us to browse those reading materials to improve on our reading skills. So every afternoon before going home, instead of playing along with my classmates I would sit and read even when alone. Doing this almost every day made me finished all the available books. I've read them over and over again to the point of memorizing quite a number of lines. Whenever I have nothing else to do, I would always find something to read on whether a newspaper or a magazine. I always believe that acquiring new information is just like feeding your brain with the necessary nutrients it needs. On our way to the venue, we noticed people falling in line in the lobby instead at the conference hall. When I asked them what's the line for, a guy informed us that they are job ticket holders waiting for their final interview. He also advised us to go directly to the registration booth for the application form of the first timers. After two hours of waiting, she was finally interviewed and luckily got her first job. To celebrate her success, we went right away to the movie house as agreed earlier.

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