Monday, June 27, 2011

Whole New Challenge for a New School Year

Another year, another challenge. Since school year has just begun, most of the schools are having the PTA meeting. Being the incumbent secretary of the school, I need to attend even if I have previous appointments. Because this is an official meeting, I need to look presentable in front of many people. Aside from preparing my outfit the day before, I managed to sneak to the grocery and purchased argan oil for hair. Our crowning glory is very important since it represents our personality in general. I also allotted time to iron my bangs to tame my wavy hair. When the time came for me to do my duty as an elected officer, I felt fulfilled when everybody looked at me with respect. The fact that you have accomplished the assigned task effectively is already an achievement. Although I am not aiming for a higher position, I am very willing to share my administrative skills for the improvement of the institution. Just for FYI and humility aside, I used to manage an international school; thus, I know how to make it run with less cost, but with higher revenue.

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