Monday, June 20, 2011

An Onion-skin in So Many Ways

Comparable to an onion-skin, I am so emotional in so many things even when watching movies. Thus, I seldom watch one together with my husband because he hates it when I cry over somebody's character. But what can I do? I can't help but watch 3 Idiots and indeed it made me cry again. Although the story was simple because it mainly depicts the realities in India, but you can see how difficult life is for those who don't have freedom to choose what they like. By the time they were born, parents already have plans for them; from the school they will enroll including the partner they will marry. Instead of following their own dreams they live for the well-being of their respective families. It's so touching; thus, I strongly recommend it to other viewers. It's like an ordeal for them and I see a lot of "Teen Help" needed in order to carry on. You can learn a lot of lessons and it's very motivational especially to students who want to excel in their chosen fields regardless of economic status. I just hope that those who enjoy freedom at present will make use of it properly to become successful at the same time fulfilled in life.

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