Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wheel of Life

It's a wheel of life as many people say. Life of a real estate agent can be very unpredictable. Sometimes, you can afford all the luxury in life if and when you are fortunate in closing a deal. You'll have more than enough not just for the basic needs but also for wants and longings. On the other hand, a low profile is usually expected whenever transactions are unsuccessful. So the best way to deal with it is to always save a portion of your commission for the future. Do not be overconfident at all times by being a one day millionaire because you do not know when you will receive your next pay check. It's a matter of right timing and right client. For the meantime, do your job by being patient in searching for prospects as well as increasing property listings. Together with prayers and willpower, I'm pretty sure you will be few days away from getting your next fortune. One thing more, do not forget to share your blessings to the least fortunate ones. It can be in the form of sponsorship, donation, and the likes. With various charity event ideas, I'm certain that you won't have a hard time deciding. As long as it is heartily given; hundred folds of blessings will be poured in return.

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